Sunday, July 31, 2011

New Blog!

In case that title doesn't make it obvious to you, I'm starting a new blog. I wanted a blog that didn't have my last name anywhere, and I think I've's not in my username, my email isn't shown on this blog or my user profile, and it's not in my blog title. If you happen to know my last name, NO telling! I don't want to have to start another blog =/

You might wonder, what with the big freakout about people knowing my last name? Well, I teach fifth grade. And those kids are like detectives...they can find info anywhere! To make a long story short, I discovered that through googling my full name you could get to my old blog, and I'm not okay with my students having access to that much personal information.  I like to keep the teacher me and the "real" me separate =)

Well, that about sums it up. A new blog, hopefully less google-searchable and better maintained by me. We'll see!